The court divides a person’s property between their heirs when they pass away. This process is known as probate, and it is time-consuming and expensive. However, there are different methods for transferring a deceased’s property to their heirs without going through...
Elder Law And Medicaid Planning
Who is at risk for elder abuse?
You may have an elderly loved one whom you fear could be at risk for abuse. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, the prevalence of mistreatment of the elderly is approximately 10%, but researchers acknowledge that underreporting could be at play....
What is elder financial abuse?
As we age, we must rely on our loved ones and others to watch over us and assist us. We may even put our faith in these people to manage our finances. Unfortunately, there are some people who prey on the elderly with the intention to steal from them and misuse their...
Helping your elderly family member with asset protection
If you have an aging family member with considerable wealth in Michigan, you may feel concerned about his or her ability to manage and protect financial assets. Helping your family member feel comfortable with asset maintenance and protection may require time and...
Understand the Medicaid planning essentials
Whether you are approaching retirement or you have concerns about aging loved ones, Medicaid planning can ensure your preparedness for future long-term care needs. Eligibility for Medicaid varies by state, so Michigan residents must review and understand these...
Can loved ones move you to a nursing home against your wishes?
Growing older often includes the development of certain medical issues and limited mobility that may curtail your ability to care for yourself. Arthritis and other aging illnesses may increase the risks of falls and broken bones that can lead to permanent disability. ...
What are the subtle signs of nursing home abuse?
In the US, and subsequently, in Michigan, elder abuse is a problem. How do you know if abuse is affecting your loved one? The signs may be more subtle than you think. According to the National Institute on Aging, most elder abuse victims are women. Many of these...
What is the Older Michiganians Act?
Lawmakers recognize that the older generation requires protection and special care. That is why they created the Older Michiganians Act, which according to the Michigan Legislature, creates a commission on aging. This type of organization is much needed to ensure...
Follow these steps to choose the right nursing home
It doesn't matter if you're choosing a nursing home for you or a loved one, it's important to make the right decision the first time around. Any mistake can impact you in a variety of ways, such as the treatment you receive and the money you pay. When creating an...
Ask and answer these questions when touring a nursing home
There is more to touring a nursing home than checking out the surroundings, chatting with staff and hoping to get a better feel for what it has to offer. If you really want to make the right decision, you need to focus on the many details that give you a clear...