Are certain disability claims harder to prove?

On Behalf of | Jun 18, 2022 | Social Security Disability Insurance

The Social Security Administration bases your eligibility for Social Security Disability on your ability to work and the severity of your disability. They even have a list of accepted conditions.

If you are not sure whether you qualify or if your condition does not appear on their list, you might find it difficult to prove your eligibility.

Back and neck injuries

Neck, back and spinal injuries are among the most common reasons to seek disability benefits. However, the SSA denies claims for disabilities that are not severe or long-term. MRIs, CT scans, test results and testimony from your health provider can prove that your injury prevents you from working for longer than a year.

Chronic migraines

Chronic headaches can make it impossible to work. Unfortunately, migraines are not on the SSA’s list of accepted conditions. Having records of doctor’s reports, prescribed medications and treatments can help your case. In many cases, chronic migraines go hand in hand with a mental disability, which can help your case.


Although fibromyalgia is on the SSA’s list of accepted conditions, it is difficult to diagnose. The chronic pain and fatigue associated with fibromyalgia could lead to a misdiagnosis. Consulting a rheumatologist can help you prove the extent of your disability.

Mental disorders

Mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder are qualifying disabilities that are difficult to prove. Having a long history of medical treatments and contact with a mental health practitioner can improve your case. The best way to make a valid claim is to combine your mental disability claim with a physical one.

Overall, having records of your condition is the best way to ensure the SSA accepts your claim. Use a filing cabinet, accordion notebook or another organizational tool to ensure you can easily find your documents.


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