Do these things to discuss estate planning with your parents

On Behalf of | Jun 8, 2018 | Estate Planning

As your parents age, you may come to find that they don’t have the best (or any) estate plan in place.

This is where you come into play. You want to jump in and discuss estate planning with them. At the same time, you don’t want to come across as greedy.

Here are some of the many tips you can follow when discussing estate planning with your parents:

  • Set aside time for the conversation, as opposed to bringing this up out of the blue
  • Be careful about what you say, as you don’t want your words to come across as too strong
  • Write down the many things you want to talk about, as to ensure that you stay on track throughout the discussion
  • Don’t get into the finer details during the first discussion, as there is time for this later on
  • Think about what you can help your parents accomplish, not what they can do for you
  • Ask them if there is anything in particular you can help them with
  • Offer to find professional help for them
  • Take a strong look in the mirror, as this will help you think about your future in the right light

These are the types of things you should do when discussing estate planning with your parents.

If you find yourself closing in on this conversation, take the time to prepare yourself accordingly. You want to be ready for anything and everything that could happen. As you learn more about the estate planning process and corresponding laws, you’ll be confident in your ability to push forward.

Source: Market Watch, “How to talk to your parents about their estate without seeming like a greedy jerk,” accessed June 08, 2018


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