As a resident of Michigan, you must rely on your loved one's estate plan to know what their wishes are after their death. In most cases, the estate plan is the perfect window into your loved one's wants and needs. But sometimes, an estate plan or will gets written...
Estate Planning
Estate planning after a second marriage
When thinking about estate planning, most people with children and grandchild feel good about leaving these family members a treasured legacy. This may include special heirlooms handed down through the generations or financial assets. Estate planning after remarrying...
What to consider before choosing an executor or saying yes to being one
An important part of estate planning is choosing an executor to oversee everything in the event of death. The role is nothing to take lightly, so it is a good idea to consider different factors before naming one. Because the role of executor is demanding, it is also...
What is an advance health care directive?
If you have definite preferences as to the kind of health care you do and do not wish to receive when you become seriously ill, injured, incapacitated or reach the end of your life, you may wish to consider creating an advance health care directive. As the Mayo Clinic...
What big life events constitute an estate plan change
Are you a Michigan resident who has an estate plan already written? If so, there may come times in your life when you must update this plan. At Babut Law Offices, PLLC, we often advise people on when these updates are necessary. Today, we will take a look at a...
3 ways to uncover undue influence in an estate plan
Few decisions in life require more thought than choosing to place an aging parent in a nursing home. Still, for a variety of reasons, long-term care may be right for your mother or father. If your parent develops a close relationship with someone at the facility,...
How a Ladybird deed works
Estate planning in Michigan is a process every adult should undertake. Delineating where things go after your death may keep your family from facing a prolonged probate process. When you own property, using a Ladybird deed may work in your favor. While the name may...
Reviewing special needs trusts
Estate planning can be tricky for multiple reasons, and some people have a hard time figuring out which type of estate plan is right for them. Every family is in a unique position, and some, such as those who have a loved one with special needs, have particularly...
How do you pick the right executor or trustee?
If you live in Michigan and have created an estate plan such as a will or a trust, you are already a step ahead of many. While estate plans are common among the elderly, the truth is that everyone can benefit from having their affairs in order because no one can...
I just had a baby. Do I need an estate plan?
Welcoming your new child into your Michigan home likely represented one of the biggest and most exciting events of your life to date. But by now, reality has likely set in and your find yourself engaging in numerous day-to-day tasks in your never-ending desire to love...